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Build A Stronger You

Getting in shape shouldn’t feel like punishment. In fact, it can be an amazing and empowering lifestyle decision. While there may be a sore muscle or two along the way, Pilates Strong helps you discover the pleasure of fitness.

Reformer Workout


Pilates on the Reformer is the most effective way to condition your body. 

I pay special attention to your specific needs and customize a series of sessions to fit your goals.

Whether you have an injury, are recovering from surgery, or want to get into better shape, together we will               Build a Stronger You.​


Choose a plan and book today!


Jocelyn Scoggins

With a life time passion for health and fitness, I've honed in on what I love most: Pilates.

I have a strong background in technology and financial trading, I love systems. Our bodies are systems. When we move and strengthen our body we find freedom.

My programming regime has developed by working with a diverse range of people. Every person brings distinct strengths, challenges and goals.


I love designing a custom program just for you and being a part of your success. 

Woman with Mask


Strength + Stamina

Each session boosts your strength, flexibility, coordination, and balance. This leads to better posture, graceful and efficient movements.

For many, these sessions create miraculous results from physical imbalances.

When root causes of discomfort are addressed, freedom of movement is found.

Client Testimonials

I want to testify to my Pilates classes with Jocelyn Macy Scoggins.I take them 3 times a week for the strength and elasticity recovery of my spine surgeries. I have had a physical and mental change of coordination. I am progressing day by day.


Quiero dar testimonio de mis clases de Pilates con Jocelyn Macy Scoggins. Las tomo 3 veces por semana . Para la recuperación de fuerza y elasticidad de mis cirugías de columna. En las cuales he tenido un  cambio físico y mental de coordinación. Voy progresando día con día.



Paulina Ibáñez Perusquia

It's my first time practicing Pilates. Jocelyn has a lot of patience, and attends to all the details of your way to ensure that you are doing the exercises in the right way, with the maximum benefit to you.

They are my two favorite hours of the week!


Es mi primera vez practicando Pilates. Jocelyn tiene mucha paciencia, y atiende todo los detalles de tu forma para asegurar que estés haciendo los ejercicios en la manera correcta, con el máximo beneficio para ti. Son mis dos

horas favoritas de la semana!


Cristina G.




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